Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Yo man Chicago

Today has been pretty interesting. But first look what Alex found yesterday:

That is a f*cking huge spinach leaf - she's gonna be famous one day FOR SURE 

So today has been a mess. Literally a mess. I was an emo for a second, Alex did her nails and then she became an emo because of the f*cking life and stupid top coat for the nails that doesn't work. Just 10 minutes ago I threw my banana slices in the air and spilled the coffee all around our kitchen table - sorry don't have a photo of that situation, it was pretty funny. Now my knee hurts and I think it's gonna be pretty beautiful at night with the bruise and stuff, ach so. 

Everybody throw your banana slices in the air!

Look at them nails bitches 
Even though all this has happened, we had time to be a little bit feminist and think about women rights and shitty stuff that we have to handle in our lives. So why we would like to be guys:

1. Alex said, that if she was a man she would move to the mountains and be a mountain man. Then she could also be able to do "Brokeback mountain"stuff - AWESOME OR WHAT ?! ps. Heath Ledger, you'll always be in our minds.

2. This is the thing that girls think about every month; why guys don't have periods? Why, why, whyyy....... It costs so much money and we don't even want to have it. 

3. Makeup - this time guys always say "you don't have to have makeup, it's your own choice." Oh yeah, we wouldn't even have this conversation if I didn't wear makeup. 

4. Hair - ok, guys have facial hair BUT girls can't have hair anywhere. So we need much more razors than u do, mister. 

5. Hair - ON OUR HEADS. Usually it's better to have long hair than short - and that's expensive. 

6. Walking on the street - It's f*cking dangerous to walk on the street at night when you're a girl. Especially if you come from the bar and u look nice - then u can't even hide it that you're a girl. Guys can walk on the streets when ever they want, also naked if they want! If girls walked on the street naked it would be "hello rapers" for us. 

7. Assumptions - girls have to clean, do food, take care of the kids... It is proven, that the people that stay at home and don't go to work are more likely to suffer from depression. 

Ok, I'm not gonna continue this feminist blog text, because after all we love being a woman. I think we'll never stop complaining how unfair it is for being a woman - we just have to suck it up and be as fabulous as we can. Even though it's f*cking expensive. 

With love,

Ps. Today we're going to have a lot of fun in the Audimax party! 

Okeyy aaaand YouTube doesn't want want to work with me. So fuck you YouTube. Ah, it's going to be such a good night. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Neverending Story....

She is never going to leave it alone!  I get out of class and have a notification on my phone for this:

Seriously! When is it going to end??????

Oh in other news, I've discovered the joy's of Bitstrips :)  Of course, Meri had to show me how to do it because I'm completely incompetent when it comes to technology and new apps and stuff! Sorry Facebook world, I'm about to blow up your newsfeeds with these awesomely joyous pictures!

Of course I couldn't end a post without a little look into what we are listening to :)

with love Alex :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bellybuttons, Nipples, and Cinnamon toes?

Ok, I'm going to start off saying: No homo.

The reason for that is because, what you are about to read may come of a little on the lesbian side.  I assure you neither Meri or I are bating for the same team.

Now that you have read that little disclaimer...

Living with Meri has been quite an experience.  We get along so well that it's almost creepy.  Of course there are things we don't agree on a lot of the time, but for the most part we are pretty much always on the same page.  Everyday is pretty normal.  As you have seen in previous posts from us, we usually sit around our kitchen table with our laptops and surf the internet and talk and drink coffee all day, that is, until we actually have to come back to reality and have some responsibilities and leave the house. That thing called school sometimes requires our attention, unfortunately.

Anyway, most of our conversations are pretty normal.  We talk about the things happening in our lives with boys, school, gossip, and our families.  (Despite being thousands of miles away from our families, we have come to the realization that we still have lives back home that we are connected to requiring our active participation.)  Sometimes, ok really like a majority of the time, our conversations take a turn for the downright strange.  I will let you read for yourself.

Conversation between Meri and I:

Meri: "You know, what are those things that some people have with their bellybutton?  When it sticks out and there is like a knot in their bellybutton."
Alex: "You mean an 'outie'.  I have an 'innie' and some people have an 'outie'."
Meri: "Oh so a lot of people have them?"
Alex: "Yes. It's pretty normal."

Mind you she had just come from the shower and was changing.

Meri: "I'm always just walking around with my nipples out.  It's so nice that we can be roommates and that this doesn't bother you."
Alex: "I mean we are both girls and I have boobs to, not a big deal to me. I don't even notice it  anymore."
Meri: "Can I put my nipple to your bellybutton?"
Alex: (long and confusing pause)..."WTF?" No.
Meri: "But...but it will be like a blood pact that you do with your friends when you are kids!"
Alex: "No. Not going to happen. Think about all the kids who now have AIDs from mixing their blood together like that."
Meri: "It's just my nipple going into your bellybutton.  I would do this with my sister!"
Alex: "No. End of discussion.  You will not be putting your nipple anywhere near my bellybutton."
Meri: "Please, please, please! We will be even better friends if you let me do it! I just want to see what it is like, please!
Alex: "No. Your nipples are going nowhere close to my body at all.  Seriously I'm just going to forget you even asked that question at all."
Meri: "I'm going to do it when you are sleeping and you will never know."
Alex: "Not going to happen. End of story."

I thought the discussion had ended, but to my dumbish surprise, it hadn't.  Saturday night we invited our friends Pekko and Stuart over for a movie night.  I had been sick all weekend so Meri thought it would be a good idea for me to have some human interaction other than her! While I stayed at home in bed, she went to meet with Pekko for some drinks and Finish conversation.  Later they came to the house and we had banana bread and tea while we waited for Stuart to show up.  Here is where my dumb self shouldn't have been surprised.  Meri says, "I told Pekko about me putting my nipple to your bellybutton!" and Pekko says, "I think it's such a good idea.  I can just imagine someone putting a nipple into a bellybutton.  The thought is so nice."

I was dumbfounded.  Really, this conversation again.  "No. No. No. It's not going to happen.  I don't want Meri's, let alone anyone's, nipple in my bellybutton.  How about she puts her nipple in your bellybutton Pekko?" I said.  "I think it would be better with two girls." Pekko explained.  Typical guy, always up for girl on girl action.  Not to disappoint, Pekko, it's never going to happen.  I don't know what it is about these Europeans, but they are all so open to their sexualities, don't get me wrong I consider myself pretty open about my sexuality, but this is just to much!

So in conclusion, I am still being badgered about letting Meri put her nipple in my bellybutton.  Not only by Meri, but now also Pekko and Stuart are on board for this to happen!

I'll open the question up to the readers:  Do you think I should let Meri put her nipple into my bellybutton?  Leave some comments and let us know what you think.

Here is a little clip of what we are listening to today:

Last night I stayed at a friends house because it was to late to walk home in the dark.  While I was sleeping on the couch, my toes felt like I had hot cinnamon sticks on them :)

With Love Alex :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The story of kidnapped Alex

It was a normal Monday night, which means Ulenspiegel party. Alex put herself ready for the night but this time I decided to stay at home. She left, I went to sleep.

This morning I woke up; my alarm was set at 7.15 like always, and I was ready to do my morning porridge. Alex and I are shearing the same bed (nothing sexual, just the cheapest way to get a good bed) and every morning I'm trying to wake up really quietly so that I don't wake her up. This morning she wasn't there, she hadn't came home last night. What had happened?

I run out of the bed and checked the apartment - nothing. Not her coat, not her shoes, not her keys on the table. She hadn't come home and I know she wouldn't have gone to no-ones place to be filthy. 

I texted and called everyone - "where is Alex?" "were you late last night?" "was she drunk?". Thoughts went trough my head; maybe she decided to walk back home from the bar (because that stupid motherfucking thing does that, she doesn't have karate moves, I don't know how she is brave enough to do that kind of shit; walking alone on the scary Frankfurterstraße, psycho) and someone kidnapped her, or raped her, or she fell asleep on the street... I was worried and almost shitting my pants. 

I still decided to go out for morning run, but it didn't work out that well. I was just watching all the streets and thinking that everyone that passed me buy had taken Alex. I was sure that someone had buried her in the forest... And then this scary little fucker idea came to my head: our apartment. The nice people who gave us this apartment.

 Alex had told me how it's very unsafe to be american citizen, that there are people who are willing to kidnap you. I remember how surprised we were, when we were still looking for an apartment and our current landlord called us about they're having an open house. We didn't even remember about contacting them about the apartment, but we went to the open house and got it. 
Maybe our landlord was involved in Alex's kidnapping? They had been spying our house...? Maybe they were working for some kind of group?

So, Alex was gone. I came back from my morning run and went to have my private time in the "powder room" that has now toilet paper. I was just gonna start to cry and was texting with Dan when suddenly I heard noise coming from the hallway. Someone opened our front door - ALEX YOU MOTHER FUCKER.       

If I hadn't been sitting, I would have ran to Alex and hugged and kissed her. I was so relieved, she wasn't dead! Our landlord isn't evil, she is still amazing! 

Apparently Alex had stayed the night over our friends place - she was too tired to walk back home (and she still doesn't have those karate moves) and too broke to call the cab. 

Thank you rapers that you didn't take my dear roommate. 

Now Alex is very sorry for making me worried. And she cut her hair - not because I asked her to do it. 

This beautiful dance is for you, dear readers. Alex is doing that shit a lot.

With love,
Meri and the non-kidnapped Alex

Monday, November 4, 2013

Celebrities and forests

Hello dear readers,

we just wanted to say hello and tell about our feelings about celebrities.

We're frustrated - or Alex is really frustrated - because you're always doing everything how you want to do the things.

And we're really mad about forests - why you have to grow so fast?

These are our feelings right now. Thank you for listening.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Take me to the candy shop

Alex just went back to bed - Im here listening to Shania Twain. Damn, she's a genius! Gotta love these beautiful and tasteful videos. Thank you daddy for introducing me to Shania Twain when I was about 6 years old.  

For me Halloween is over. My costume is covered in all kinds of alcoholic drinks and smells like tobacco and hotdogs. I'm so glad that we don't celebrate Halloween in Finland - yet. I think next year I'll just try to do the trick or treat and go to ghost haunting ! This kind of lifestyle that you sleep approximately 5 hours every night doesn't suit for me. 

I dont like kids, especially babies, but this is funny 

I'm really tired and I want to go to bed also. I have to go to party to Frankfurt tonight with Annika and I feel like I weight about 5890289 kg and smell like 872646 hotdogs. I'm such a lady 

I'm just gonna post a little summary about our Halloween. No words, just pictures. Enjoy you little bunnyrabbitreaderkisskisselephant and I can assure you that we come in to your dreams. Peace and blessings 

Just had to post this photo, because Alex doesn't like old people. These are some random grannies + grandpa


YEAP that was it. We had so much fun and we got to know some new people. Thank you german people who wanted to talk with us and encouraged us to talk german! And a big thank for the amazing minicar driver, who took us to Tannys party from Marktplatz. You're amazing!

Ps. I'm really sorry that this post isn't funny. I'm not working well right now - maybe next week Alex will post a stupid video about us. Probably, I don't promise anything.

With hotdogarmits love,

Friday, November 1, 2013

It's the hotdog armpits day!

We want to announce that that singer is one fucking hot motherfucker. And this is an awesome song. Enjoy, don't be an EMO.

With awesome hangover love,
Meri & Alex

Welcome to Hangover Land! Home of the Hangovers. Can I get you a Hangover?

GOOD Morning our hungover readers!

So last night was a banging success! Meri and I figured out some sexy and creative costumes.  Although they were very last minute, they turned out to be great! Just take a look:

Scarecrow and Black cat! We are soooo cute :)
This morning however, has not been a success.  We woke up to this lovely apartment:

And then this happened:
Goodmorning from hangover land!  We are both pretty useless today.  Can't pour our coffee. Can't make our eggs. Can't do anything.  Time to go back to bed lol :)

Oh! And somewhere in the world someone made this video:

Last but not least! Our music selection today:

with love Alex and Meri