Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome to Hangover Land! Home of the Hangovers. Can I get you a Hangover?

GOOD Morning our hungover readers!

So last night was a banging success! Meri and I figured out some sexy and creative costumes.  Although they were very last minute, they turned out to be great! Just take a look:

Scarecrow and Black cat! We are soooo cute :)
This morning however, has not been a success.  We woke up to this lovely apartment:

And then this happened:
Goodmorning from hangover land!  We are both pretty useless today.  Can't pour our coffee. Can't make our eggs. Can't do anything.  Time to go back to bed lol :)

Oh! And somewhere in the world someone made this video:

Last but not least! Our music selection today:

with love Alex and Meri


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Laura! Miten siellä Suomessa menee? Ootko ite ollu juhlistamassa Halloweenia? ;)

    2. hyvin! ja joo olin, tosin ei bileet näyttäny ihan samalta ku teillä=D

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