Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Happy Rainbow Unicorn Poop

So hello our happy readers!

Halloween is coming and we're panicking about it - just like every day when we're going to the bus stop. Why the bus is always on time when we are late? Like today; we had to go to our german abend class and the bus was fucking 20 minutes late. Because of that I had to stand the nasty look from my german teacher. GERMANY, YOU'RE DRUNK again.

But happy thoughts!

First of all; I want to announce that we DID our laundry on Sunday! 

Alex working that ass even when she's asleep 

But it wasn't that enjoyable laundry night because my ice lolly dropped on the floor

The sunday laundry experience was so much better than the last one in Unterhof. Now I will tell you the whole story, the laundry night at Unterhof -story. Brace yourselves.

On Tuesday night we came back home from Unterhof. We had been sitting the night at our friends place and decided to walk back home, because it takes about 20 minutes. It was really dark and windy, like u can imagine a horror story, it was like that. Suddenly a black cat crosses the street - oh fuck. We didn't even spit over our shoulders! And because of that mulkku musta kissa our lives were ruined.

On Wednesday morning we were ready. It was one of those normal Wednesdays, the day in the middle of the week. We had planned this journey for one day, it was the first laundry day at Unterhof.
We had packed our laundry to our IKEA bags and took the bus number 1 to Berliner Platz. The bus was on time and we were two happy campers waiting for the Unterhof bus that was coming in 2 minutes - perfect! But then the black cat came to the picture; we missed that bus just because we were so excited about seeing Shannon who had came back from Ireland. Well, we just had to wait for the another bus to come, which took about 20 minutes. And that was the black cat -issue number 1.

Finally we got in to the bus. We got seats and we were happy campers again. The Unterhof stop was near and we prepared our selves for going out of the bus. The bus stopped, we pushed the button... Aaand the black cat came to the picture again! The fucking door didn't open, even though we pushed the button like 892837 times. We had to go all the way to Naturwissenschaften and walk from there with our big ass IKEA bags. The black cat -issue number 2.

We went down to Unterhof to do our laundry. We were tired of carrying those heavy IKEA bags and pissed off because of the black cat. We put our shit to the machines and wanted to pay - the machines didn't have numbers on them (if u live in these amazing dorms that Gießen has to offer, u know how to pay for doing your laundry) and we just had to guess which machine is what. The black cat -issue number 3.

The washing machines were supposed to be done after 45 minutes. During the machines were doing their thing, we decided to do some grocery shopping because we didn't have any food at our place. Grocery shopping was nice, and everything was fine. UNTILL we came back to Unterhof; someone had taken my laundry out of the washing machine and had put it on the laundry table - known also as "filled with international bacteria -table", and I hate bacteria. The black cat -issue number 4.

We put our "clean" laundry to the dryers and went home to put the groceries to the fridge. We came back to Unterhof and I found my laundry from the international bacteria table... And they weren't even dry yet; someone had taken my laundry out of the dryer and had put his/her laundry to the dryer instead. All the dryers were in use at that moment so I had to make my own journey to the other laundry place in Unterhof where my laundry was getting dry eventually. Alex also had to pay her dryer twice, because apparently the dryers weren't working that well. While waiting for the dryers to finish, we had to check the other dryer that had my laundry in it in the beginning. It was finished and we took it out... We took out just one little blue towel with pink dots on - like WTF?! Who wants to pay 1€ for drying one pathetic towel?! Who wants to take a bagful of wet clothes from the dryer and replace it with one towel?! Like this is the time, when you have another chance to think about the whole thing again - "do I really want to pay 1€ for drying this towel?" The black cat -issue number 5.

I know, I'm an evil person. But it was just because of the situation. I'm truly sorry, if someone felt bad after reading this - if it's you or your friend... I'm sorry. Well at least you can try to clone me, because I kissed that paper. Meri number 2, parteyyy 

Yes, I left that message for the towels owner. I really feel bad about it now, but I think it's still funny. Everyone can take a little joke, right?

Our little laundry day took us for five hours. We were exhausted. We were sad. We were ready to destroy all of the black cats out there. Five fucking black cat -issues. BE AWARE!  

And now Alex wants us to buy this kitten: 

She's out of her mind. All cats are evil. We're just gonna get two gold fish: Mac and Cheese. 
On last Friday I was on my regular run and I saw that black cat again. It was terrifying. 


WE HAVE TOILET PAPER poopie time, peace man 

The tango of the black cat 

Here is some inspiration for Halloween. You can also see those amazing subtitles on the Wrecking ball video - is it spanish? Black cat, Miley Cyrus or YouTube - hard choice...

Happy Halloween, peace and blessings! Watch out for those black cats out there, they're evil.

With Love,

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